Gift of Involvement is essential.
Galatians 6: 10 “So then, while we have the opportunity, let us do good to all, but especially to those who belong to the family of the faith.”
Your involvement as a school volunteer is very important to our entire school community. Volunteers demonstrate service, and guarantee both cost savings and fundraising income for Saint Anthony Catholic School. Without volunteer involvement, Saint Anthony Catholic School would have to hire additional faculty and staff to maintain the many classrooms, athletic, and service projects we offer to our students. In addition, many volunteers are necessary each year to ensure the continued success of our fundraising events. Because of your
Gift of Involvement, Saint Anthony Catholic School is able to offer your children countless opportunities. Thank you! We invite all parents, grandparents, family members, friends and parishioners to volunteer in our school.
For information on how to get involved, contact the Development Office 954-467-9009.
Below are some of the ways you can be involved at Saint Anthony Catholic School:
Are you a natural born fundraiser? Yes or no, in the Development Office, your talents and skills can be put to use for the school in fundraising, grant writing, and event planning.
The Home & School Association coordinates family and parent social events such as the Community Fair, the annual Dinner Dance Auction and Movie Nights throughout the year. They coordinate special events for faculty and staff. These are great ways to get involved and have fun doing it. All school parents are automatically members of the Home & School Association.
Current parents are paired with new incoming families to offer support and advice throughout their first year.
These parents are the main contact between the parents of students in your child’s classroom and the teachers, as well as the Home & School Association. The homeroom parents are responsible for spreading school information via email and phone calls to parents on a regular basis (i.e. volunteer needs, schedule changes, spirit days, etc.). The homeroom parents help with class parties and assist teachers with field trip preparation and chaperones.
Every spring, Saint Anthony Catholic School hosts Field Day! Parent volunteers are needed for everything from manning Field Day activity stations to water and popsicle duty.
These are advisory committees that support the Principal and the Pastor with various operational functions. Members are selected by the Principal and the Pastor for their expertise in various fields: Technology, PR & Marketing, Facilities, Athletics, Academics, Spiritual Life, and Diversity.