Mission Statement
St. Anthony Catholic School provides students with opportunities to seek knowledge through innovation, grow in charity through service, and sustain our legacy through our apostolic faith.
St. Anthony Catholic School holds to be true these statements and lives them out daily. We believe….
- St. Anthony Catholic School incorporates unique academic experiences.
- St. Anthony Catholic School empowers teachers to facilitate a student driven classroom environment that cultivates learning.
- St. Anthony Catholic School is anchored in faith and compassion.
- St. Anthony Catholic School prepares students to be servant minded leaders, persistent learners, and active contributors to their community.
- St. Anthony Catholic School gives students the opportunity to take academic risks so they may grow from their experiences.
- St. Anthony Catholic School entrusts teachers to use their God given talents to create a rich differentiated learning environment for each child.
- St. Anthony Catholic School seeks to provide graduates with the means to be life-long practicing Catholics.
- St. Anthony Catholic School develops the student critical thinking skills necessary to become successful in high school, college, and future endeavors.
- St. Anthony Catholic School strives to continue to expand and support our proud legacy and heritage.
- St. Anthony Catholic School upholds diversity and implores inclusivity in all areas both within and outside of the classroom environment.
- St. Anthony Catholic School creates responsible active citizens within the school, the community, and beyond.
The goals of St. Anthony Catholic School are:
- The teachings of the Catholic Church become manifested in our daily lives to continue living as committed Catholics.
- Achieve and maintain a 21st-century academic learning environment and a curriculum to demonstrate and support our FCC Stream certification.
- Provide opportunities for students to reflect on their social and academic experiences as they affect their well-being.
- Encourage faculty and staff to participate in the dynamic decision-making process as the school develops policies and programs to enrich curriculum, enhance school climate and deepen student learning.